After many smaller practises it is the third bigger beat of the sword by Kriegsfall-U. Made in the Kolostor-Eröd between 2007 and 2010, as our strength permited, during the Rule of Divine Grace, somewhere in Hungary, somewhere in Europe. We dedicate this recording to the memory of two righteous men, József Mindszenty cardinal and the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary, who was the last thruthful representative of the Kingdom of Hungary and Prof. Tamás Molnár who shown the right way even when nobody paid attention to it. In this album His Majesty Otto von Habsburg, our crown prince speaks to you, as well as his loyal devotee, József Mindszenty cardinal (Aeterna Hungaria). (Edward Alexander, baying dog of the Beast, was only smothered by us. Do it yourself the same as well). Ágnes Tóth (The Moon and the Nightspirit) has sung the „Hungarian Saints Hymn” only for us, that we have used in the song „Pures, Heroes, Saints”. Step over your own shadows, step across the Gate of Heroes with us!