6COMM One Mans Hel CD. Digipak
This is the last album to be released under the name 6comm. 6comm or PatrickL One of the founder members of Death In June, Mother Destructions Magical tribal techno during the 1990's and others latterly returning to his solo project has released his final album as 6comm. An intense mix of almost industrial Atheist rock anthems like One man Hel , Red cloak & Othila, his heavily charged multi instrument works rant against the religious monoliths of the Catholic & Muslim states, his songs some 25 years old being very relevant today as they were when originally written. The album is split into three distinct parts - the first part of 4 songs being rhythmically heavy almost rock in sound , then second part more eccentric, experimental and the final two songs ballad in nature. With 11 compositions of new - unreleased & reworks this album reflects the music that 6comm have been performing live during the last 3 years.